Altri SuoniFive SongsStraniero

Born in New York, Vanderwolf is a musician with an impressive track record, as well as a popular concert impresario and producer. He was the frontman of the post-metal, glam-prog psychedelic band Naked Sun, but also worked for David Bowie, Patti Smith, Jarvis Cocker, Massive Attack and Ornette Coleman. Here are his 5 recommended songs…
Nato a New York, Vanderwolf è un musicista con una carriera impressionante, nonché un famoso impresario di concerti e produttore. E’ stato il frontman della band psichedelica post-metal e glam-prog Naked Sun, ma ha anche lavorato per David Bowie, Patti Smith, Jarvis Cocker, Massive Attack e Ornette Coleman. Di seguito le sue 5 canzoni consigliate…